Meet The Team - Olivia Ashton-Clark

For people with disabilities, sex and sex education remains a taboo subject. At To Be Frank, we have a team of people working to change that.


Olivia Ashton-Clark - To Be Frank Administrator

Hi, I’m Olivia (she/her), administrator for To Be Frank.

I'm a firm believer in body sovereignty; which is that every person has the right to full control of their body in all aspects of life. I also am a strong believer in that everyone has the right to live their life in ways that work specifically for them - not conforming to societal ideals and fitting into an ‘acceptable box’.

I have worked in a social services background, completing a Bachelors of Social Services specialising in Counselling, completing a placement in a community counselling service for 1 year, followed by a placement in a high school counselling office, providing a safe space for numerous students to come and talk and work through anything they needed support with.

To me, being able to be your own true authentic self is sexy. Being able to ignore societal ideals, whether that be behaviour, body appearance, body shape, gender or sexuality. Being true to yourself and having the confidence to stand against the pressure society can put on people is not always an easy journey, but I believe that with time, support and surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals, it begins to be easier to show your true authentic self to more people, and becomes incredibly empowering.

Currently I am working behind the scenes for To Be Frank providing administrative support, but eventually will be aiming to provide some content surrounding body sovereignty, body neutrality and mental health.