Vision Statement; Matakitenga

All tāngata whaikaha Māori and disabled people have freedom and opportunities to enjoy expressing their sexuality and to explore relationships without barriers.

Mission Statement; Koromakinga 

To Be Frank will provide an informative, explorative and relevant platform for all tāngata whaikaha Māori, disabled people and their family/whānau/āiga and allies to discuss, learn and be supported to explore sexuality and relationships.

Core Values; Uara Uho

We believe:-

To be a human being is to be a sexual being

To be living fully in your identity is your right 

To be standing/existing in your own power is essential 

To be the best version of yourself 

To be loved and to love freely 

This is                                                  …To Be Frank

Current To Be Frank rates:

  • for 1:1 or couple work sliding scale $80-$120 per hour contact time [depending on what they can afford]

  • for professional development / group work $120 per hour contact time and $120 per hour prep time per To Be Frank facilitator